Transposing chunks in Zarr datasets

David Brochart
5 min readSep 12, 2019


This post is a follow-up of Continuously extending Zarr datasets, which was specifically dealing with how to extend a Zarr dataset as data becomes available. The underlying assumption was that, because data is produced through time, the Zarr dataset would also be chunked in time. But the way a dataset is stored can have a great impact on the performances of analyses. For instance, consider a 3-dimension dataset (latitude, longitude and time) that is written with no chunk in space and small chunks in time, as shown below (only one chunk is depicted for simplicity):

Getting data for the whole globe and a short period of time will be quite fast, but it will be inefficient for a small region of the world and a long period of time. This is because for the latter, a lot of files will have to be read, and most data in each file will be thrown away. For this read operation to be efficient, we need the dataset to be organized differently: it must be written with small chunks in space and big chunks (or no chunk at all) in time, as shown below:

In this post, we will show how to transform a dataset that is chunked in time into a dataset that is chunked in space (chunk transposition).

Live data comes in time chunks

When we go to the FTP server of a data provider, we usually see a directory structure that is organized in time. For instance, for NASA’s GPM FTP server, we have one directory per month:


And then for each directory, files corresponding to sub-periods of time. For the 200006 directory, we have the following HDF5 files:


In this case, each file consists of a snapshot for the whole globe and a 30-minute period of time. As time goes by, new files become available on the server. This way of producing a new file every 30 minutes implies that data is inherently chunked in time from the start. In the previous post, we basically kept this organization when saving the dataset to a Zarr archive (we just made the chunks bigger for performance reasons). But now, we want to incrementally build a Zarr archive that is chunked in space instead of chunked in time.

Data can be rechunked using Xarray, but it turns out that it doesn’t work for our particular case as of today (although it could become possible in the future). Fortunately, we can once again hack the Zarr archive to achieve our goal.

Merging time chunks

For the time-chunked dataset to be transformed into a space-chunked dataset, we need to:

  • chunk the dataset in space: this is easily done using Xarray’s chunk method.
  • merge the dataset’s time chunks: this can be done just by concatenating the chunk files (using e.g. cat).

Concatenating chunk files along the time dimension requires a bit of bookkeeping, because it has to be done for each space chunk. Also, some compression algorithms don’t allow simply concatenating files. This is the case for Blosc, but not for GZip. Furthermore, if we keep on concatenating files, we will end up with the whole dataset staged on our hard drive before uploading it to the cloud. With the ever growing size of datasets, this might not become possible in the future. A solution is to do a first concatenation locally, upload the pre-concatenated chunks, and concatenate further in the cloud. Google Cloud Storage allows doing that by “composing” objects.

In the end, here is the time-chunked dataset (for a 2-month period of time):

Dimensions: (lat: 1800, lon: 3600, time: 2880)
* lat (lat) float32 -89.95 -89.85 ... 89.85 89.95
* lon (lon) float32 -179.95 -179.85 ... 179.95
* time (time) datetime64[ns] 2000-06-01 ... 2000-07-30T23:30:00 Data variables:
precipitationCal (time, lat, lon) float32 dask.array<shape=(2880, 1800, 3600), chunksize=(4, 1800, 3600)>
probabilityLiquidPrecipitation (time, lat, lon) float32 dask.array<shape=(2880, 1800, 3600), chunksize=(4, 1800, 3600)>

And the space-chunked dataset:

Dimensions: (lat: 1800, lon: 3600, time: 2880)
* lat (lat) float32 -89.95 -89.85 ... 89.85 89.95
* lon (lon) float32 -179.95 -179.85 ... 179.95
* time (time) datetime64[ns] 2000-06-01 ... 2000-07-30T23:30:00
Data variables:
precipitationCal (time, lat, lon) float32 dask.array<shape=(2880, 1800, 3600), chunksize=(2880, 100, 100)>
probabilityLiquidPrecipitation (time, lat, lon) float32 dask.array<shape=(2880, 1800, 3600), chunksize=(2880, 100, 100)>

As we can see, the first one is chunked in time with a size of 4 and not chunked in space, and the second one is chunked in space with a size of 100x100 and not chunked in time. This is not a binary choice, i.e. we might have to chunk in space and time to get chunks that are of reasonable size (~100MiB), or even to get a trade-off between the two extreme chunking schemes and store only one version of the dataset. In that case, it won’t be optimal but it will work reasonably for most kind of analyses.


The chunking scheme of a dataset can greatly impact the performances of analyses. The same dataset, made available with different chunk shapes, can better serve specific needs, by trading CPU resources and I/O accesses with storage space. In this blog post, we showed a way to efficiently “transpose chunks” of a dataset from time to space. This approach has been applied to upload the GPM IMERG dataset to Pangeo. The same dataset is now available in two flavors:

  • gs://pangeo-data/gpm_imerg/early/chunk_time for the time-chunked dataset. This version is better suited for analyses that need data preferably over wide regions but not necessarily over a long period of time.
  • gs://pangeo-data/gpm_imerg/early/chunk_space for the space-chunked dataset. That version is better suited for analyses that need data preferably over long periods of time but not necessarily over a wide region.

The code can be found here.



David Brochart
David Brochart

Written by David Brochart

Spatial hydrology. Python. Often found on a bike.

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